ORMOC CITY – The Ormoc City Police Office (OCPO), headed by its City Director, Police Colonel (PCol) Nelvin Ricihermoso, has launched the Revitalized Philippine National Police (PNP) Kapulisan, Simbahan at Pamayanan, also known as the (Kasimbayanan), on October 10, 2022 at the OCPO grounds in Brgy. Camp Downes, this city.
Accordingly, the Ormoc police force strives to involve and unite the church and the community in their efforts to maintain peace and order because it believes that effective police work entails collaborative efforts not only from the community but from the church sector as well.
Kasimbayanan aims to forge a strong police community relations with the general public and faith-based organizations through collaborative partnerships anchored under the PNP’s Malasakit, Kaayusan Kapayapaan tungo sa Kaunlaran Program (MKK=K).
It is furthermore a community mobilization program highlighting the synergized and collaborative partnership between the PNP and the general public through the intervention and help of the religious sector towards the goal of a holistic transformation that involves the PNP and the community it serves and protects.
Finally, the program aims to provides an interplay among three important sectors by transforming the PNP members into community-based bridge builders to increase community involvement in preempting, preventing, and solving crimes.
The ceremony on Monday highlighted the distribution and pinning of Kasimbayanan pin buttons to PNP personnel, faith-based leaders, advocacy support groups, other force multipliers, and guests, which pinning represents the importance of the PNP and the community in contributing to the peace, order, and overall progress of society.
To further symbolize unity, the recitation and ceremonial signing of the pledge of commitment were conducted consecutively.
During the event, Reverend Father Jonathan Raagas of Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Imam Norhasan Abdullah Elian, Majid Fatih, Pastor Ricardo De Asis, Jr. of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Rev. Barnaby Lontoc De La Torre of Baptist Bible Church, Pastor Paul Villamor, and Bless Our Cops Coordinator, delivered their messages of support to the PNP program. Meanwhile, PCOL Ricohermoso, in his message, emphasized the significance of solid police community relations with the public. “Maraming salamat po sa inyong dasal, sa tulong ng community, because we cannot do it alone without you,” he said. By Gwen Maurillo (EV Mail October 10-16, 2022 issue)