WHEN OUR generation attended classes, we wrote everything in a notebook. With laptops now popular, many students encoded or typed their notes. (Others would even record the lectures but many professors balk at the idea). For better learning, which one is better, writing or typing?

When asked to handwrite words, college students showed increased connectivity across the brain, particularly in brain waves associated with memory formation, compared with when they typed those words instead, researchers say. The study shows that there is a fundamental difference in brain organization for handwriting as opposed to typing.

Plenty of previous research has shown that handwriting improves spelling accuracy, memory recall and conceptual understanding. Scientists think that the slow process of tracing out letters and words gives individuals more time to process the material and learn.

In the study, psychologists recruited students from the university and stuck electrodes on their heads. The researchers asked the students to type out or handwrite in cursive with a digital pen a word that appeared on a computer screen. Sensors in a cap recorded electrical brain activity while participants carried out each task.

With handwriting, the researchers saw increased activity, specifically in low frequency bands called alpha and theta, not only in the expected motor areas due to the movement but also in others associated with learning. These low frequency bands have previously been shown to support memory processes. When the team compared the two tasks, they realized that handwriting, but not typing increased the connectivity across parietal brain regions, which are involved in sensory and motor processing, and central ones, many of which are involved in memory. These findings suggest that there are distinct processes of brain activation happening while a person types or writes.

Because the team did not test whether participants remembered the words, it’s not yet clear how exactly the increased activity impacts learning. [The study] warrants some follow up to see what exactly is causing those connectivity differences and whether or not they reflect learning outcomes.

And although handwriting may help with learning processes, typing is often easier, faster and more practical. Students and teachers alike should therefore consider the task at hand to inform their decision to handwrite or type. For example, using handwriting to take notes might help retain information better while typing out an essay may be easier.

Despite the need for more studies to determine the optimal learning strategy, experts say that handwriting shouldn’t be left behind in the digital age. Schools need to bring in more writing into curriculum design.

Writing is good for young brains, so we shouldn’t use gen X as guinea pigs to see how their brains end up without any handwriting. And it’s important for them to be able to at least write a market list or a love letter. I really think that that is important for us as a people. By Manny Palomar, PhD (EV Mail October 21-27, 2024 issue)