386 ORMOCANON STUDENTS UNDER CSWD’S EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RECEIVE CASH ALLOWANCE. A total of 386 Ormocanon students who are beneficiaries of Ormoc’s City Social and Welfare Department’s (CSWD) educational assistance program received their allowances on Thursday, February 1, 2024.
The allowances were personally handed over by Ormoc City Councilors Nolito Quilang and Carmen Jean Torres-Rama, together with Jovita Ares of CSWD, at the city hall.
According to Ares, the program is based on Executive Order (EO) No. 51 for the provision of educational assistance to “disadvantaged” children, especially those in difficult circumstances.
Ares shared that said beneficiaries included 87 students in elementary school, 184 in junior high school, and 115 in senior high school.
Accordingly, the recipients of said program are from poor families, street children, LINGAP and the Social Development Center for Children and Youth (SDCCY), but the beneficiaries of the 4Ps are not included in the program.
Ares urged the beneficiaries to use their allowances wisely for their school project, supplies, transportation, miscellaneous, and school contributions. (By Gwen Maurillo / EV Mail Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2024 issue)